
Reaching out to Former CUPE 3903 Members Eligible for retroactive pay

URGENT: CUPE 3903 has requested support in reaching out to their former members who have not yet received their Bill 124 pay settlements because they are no longer at York. The Employer (York University) requires former 3903 members to submit their banking information by the end of September to receive Bill...

York Campuses in disrepair, reminder of rally on Wednesday

Please see the following story in the Excalibur (Sept 16) A story on “Keele and Glendon campuses in “critical disrepair” — the real cost of Markham campus” in the Excalibur (Sept. 16, 2024).   Wednesday, September 25, from 11:45am to 1:00pm York University students and workers unions will hold a rally with the...

Reminders and updates September 23, 2024

Please see the following seven (7) announcements:   1. On September 25 from 11:45am to 1:00pm York University students and workers unions will hold a rally with the theme of Reclaiming York for Students and Workers. The rally will begin in front of William Small Centre and conclude at the Kaneff...

Reminders and updates September 16, 2024

Please see the following six (6) announcements: 1. The next YUFA Members’ Zoom drop-in session is on Wednesday, September 18, from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm. The topic for the session is “Restructuring” and we especially encourage chairs and program directors to come, but all members are welcome. The Zoom link can...

YUFA Updates September 10, 2024

YUFA wishes all members a warm start to the Fall semester, and extends a special welcome to new members. UPCOMING EVENTS The First Stewards’ Council meeting of the semester is on September 13th at 10:30am. The Stewards' Council directs the affairs of the Association between General Membership Meetings and Council, provides a...

Toronto Labour Day Parade

Join the YUFA contingent at the Toronto Labour Day parade!    Meet at 9 am on Sept 2 at Dundas and Centre Sts. RSVP here:

Members' Drop-in's

Reminder of the Members’ Drop-in Meeting, Wed Aug 28, noon – 1 pm at this link: zoom link for drop-in sessions Topic: Restructuring Part 2:  YUFA’s Collective Agreement Save the time:  we will soon post a schedule of topics for Wednesdays throughout the fall term.

OCUFA Bargaining Stronger Together Conference

Members interested in learning more about Collective Bargaining are welcome to attend OCUFA’s “Bargaining Stronger Together” conference in Toronto, Sept 27-28.  YUFA will pay members’ enrolment fees.  Contact [email protected] for more information.    

Ratification Vote Results

YUFA’s membership, by a vote of 1212 (yes) to 122 (no), has ratified the renewal of our Collective Agreement until April 30, 2027. At our Special General Membership Meeting on August 22, members expressed firm support for the Bargaining Team while remained disappointed with the Employer's refusal to address specific...