
Campus security

At last week's members' drop-in meeting, YUFA members shared information with York University security officers from CUPE 1536. Did you know that security officers wearing yellow vests don't work for York University? They are from an outside security firm named Hydra, one of two firms (the other is Omni) with whom the...

YUFA collegial hiring processes and external funders

YUFA understands that York University is considering external funding from outside organizations for new hires and is in discussion with the Employer about the Association’s concerns related to this issue. The Association is encouraging members who become aware of unusual hiring practices or who are concerned about interference with existing...

Workshop on finding published data about ethnic and racialized populations in Canada

Are you looking for data about racialized populations and/or ethnic populations in Canada? In the past couple of years, there have been several calls to actions from the research community calling for governments to collect more ethno-racial data, especially as it relates to social determinants of health, employment, health care,...

Next Stewards’ Council meeting: Friday, February 7

The next meeting of Stewards' Council is Friday, February 7th from 10:30am-12:30pm. Meetings of Stewards’ Council are open to all YUFA members.  The Zoom link for the meeting is:  [Meeting ID: 871 5223 5081 Passcode: 783335]

Article 18.15 research release: tell YUFA if you experience decanal challenges

In the 2015-18 round of bargaining, YUFA successfully negotiated a "research release" program designed to support active scholarly work. Specifically, faculty members in the professorial stream who demonstrate ongoing research productivity are eligible for a 0.5 FCE teaching load reduction when their unit's standard teaching load is 2.5 FCEs or...

Call for Nominations for CAUT Executive Committee

YUFA is a long-standing member of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), a federation of trade unions and associations linking approximately 70,000 professors, librarians and archivists, staff members, researchers, and other academic professionals at 120 universities and colleges across Canada.  It supports member organizations’ bargaining, upholds academic freedom, provides...