
Next Stewards’ Council meeting: Friday, February 7

The next meeting of Stewards' Council is Friday, February 7th from 10:30am-12:30pm. Meetings of Stewards’ Council are open to all YUFA members.  The Zoom link for the meeting is:  [Meeting ID: 871 5223 5081 Passcode: 783335]

The next YUFA members’ drop-in meeting is Wednesday, January 29th

During the Winter term, feel free to join other members at our Wednesday drop-in meetings.  The topic of focus for the meeting on January 29 is “Security on campus”. The meetings are held over Zoom from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. The Zoom link for all meetings is: Future dates and...

Sunlife benefits claims investigation? Contact YUFA!

If Sunlife calls you to discuss an investigation into your benefits claims, please explain to them that your union has advised that you consult with YUFA, your faculty association union. You can then contact YUFA at [email protected] as soon as possible to get advice on how to proceed.

Application period open for YUFA EDI Course Load Reduction Program

The Employer is now accepting applications for the EDI Course Load Reduction Program, which was negotiated by YUFA (Article 19.33). The program offers YUFA members course load reductions to “support service relating to/in support of Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) by faculty and librarians and archivists who self-identify as...

YUFA Wednesday drop-in on January 29th

During the Winter term, YUFA is continuing with Wednesday drop-in meetings.  The next meeting is Wednesday, January 29th on the topic of “Security on campus”. The meetings are held over Zoom from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. The Zoom link for all meetings is: Future dates and topics are: Feb 12...

School of Medicine vote at Senate

At its meeting on Thursday, January 23, the York Senate will consider a motion to approve "in principle" a new School of Medicine to be housed in the Faculty of Health. If you are a Senator, please make sure to attend that meeting and vote. Senate needs firm evidence that...

Decommissioning of Moodle

The Employer has announced that the Moodle environment ( will be decommissioned on January 31, 2025. The infrastructure that supports this system will no longer be supported as of January 1, 2025, and after January 31, access to the Moodle environment will be unavailable.  Currently, hosts academic courses from...