
York Research Support Grant deadline coming in January 2025

As part of the settlement of a grievance between YUFA and the Employer, an annual fund of $1M to support research by faculty members, librarians, and archivists was established. Each eligible YUFA member can receive up to $5,000 annually from the York Research Support Grant (  Funds remain to be...

YUFA's fight to protect Special Renewable Contracts (SRCs)

YUFA continues to fight for members hired under Special Renewable Contracts (SCRs) whose contracts were not renewed, and to protect the jobs and rights of other SRC members. Please see:   Show your support by posting this sign outside your office door. 

Office Telephones

In the 2024-2027 Renewal Collective Agreement, the University and YUFA agreed to amend article 18.39 of the collective agreement regarding office phones as follows: “The Employer recognizes its responsibility to provide an adequate level of facilities and services in support of the work of employees, including provision of reasonable office,...

Advice for members regarding course planning for 2025-2026

Program suspensions and restructuring, course cancellations, closure of course sections, increased class sizes are being rapidly implemented across the university with little, or no, consultation via long-established collegial processes. These changes have many implications for academic programs.

YUFA Updates and Reminders (November 5, 2024)

Please see the following eight (8) reminders and updates, covering: YUFA's fight to protect Special Renewable Contracts (SRCs) YUFA drop-in session: Tenure and Promotion - Part 1 - November 6 Teach-In session for former international students facing mass deportation Workshop: "Supporting Scholars: Preventing, Mitigating & Responding to Scholarship-Based Harassment" -...

Updates and Reminders (October 30, 2024)

Please see below for eight (8) updates, reminders and information items. YUFA members drop-in session, October 30 Next Stewards' Council meeting, November 1 YUFA Executive Committee endorses YUFA Race Equity Caucus report on Palestine Solidarity at York University Teach-In session for former international students facing mass deportation Thinking about Retirement?...

YUFA Updates & Reminders (October 17, 2024)

There are six (6) updates and reminders YUFA members should be aware of, covering the following issues: YUFA stands in solidarity with the more than 200,000 international student graduates in Canada facing deportation The Discover York Academics (DYA) initiative (formerly known as eCV) The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support...

Updates and Reminders Oct 1

Please see below for seven (7) updates and reminders. 1. The next YUFA Members’ Zoom drop-in session is Wednesday, October 2, from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm. The topic for the session is “Restructuring and Faculty Councils.” All members are invited to attend. Faculty Council Chairs and Executive members particularly welcome. The Zoom link is: