July 19, 2024
In recent communications to YUFA members and to the university community, the Employer continues to repeat “the significant financial challenges” of the university and suggest that YUFA is in some manner responsible for these. This is false.
July 18, 2024
CUPE 3903, YUSA, CUPE 1356, and Osgoode Hall Faculty Association are united in supporting the York University Faculty Association (YUFA) and its effort to negotiate a fair deal with York University.
July 17, 2024
The Ontario Ministry of Labour granted the York University administration’s request for a "no board" report on July 16. While this was expected, given the Employer’s request for a no board report on Friday July 12th, it is disconcerting that the Employer initiated such a process when bargaining, and subsequently...
July 16, 2024
On July 12, the Employer requested a “no board report” in the early stages of bargaining, just days after YUFA had finished presenting its main proposals package. This sudden move has triggered a countdown to a potential summer strike/lockdown position which deviates from past bargaining practices. This leaves all members...
July 16, 2024
Please be advised that the YUFA Executive Committee has called a Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM) on Tuesday, July 23, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. In light of recent bargaining developments and the Employer requesting a no-board report on July 12, members are strongly encouraged to attend this very...
July 12, 2024
The Employer notified YUFA today that they have requested a “no-board“ report from the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Following one meeting with the Conciliation Officer on July 9, this ends the period of conciliation which the Employer requested, in their words, in order to “assist the parties in reaching an...
July 12, 2024
YUFA Executive and Bargaining Team members will be available every Wednesday from noon to 1 pm to answer members’ questions related to our bargaining proposals, the progress of negotiations, labour action options, etc. We are also planning short presentations on particular topics of interest each week. Zoom link for these drop...
July 10, 2024
YUFA's and the Employer's bargaining teams met for the first time with Conciliation Officer Hanane Benzidane and Joanna Macri of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. They observed our bargaining session, and in a separate meeting with us they expressed willingness to meet with the parties as much and as long as...
July 08, 2024
Each year the base salary of YUFA members is subject to two adjustments. The first is a negotiated percentage increase to the previous year’s base salary called the “base salary adjustment” or “across the board” (ATB) salary increase. The second adjustment is the “progress through the ranks” (PTR) increment, a...
July 08, 2024
On July 3, the Ontario Ministry of Labour appointed Conciliation Officer Hanane Benzidane to work with YUFA and the Employer on our negotiations. YUFA’s bargaining team has a conciliation meeting with Hanane Benzidane and the Employer’s bargaining team scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday July 9. At that meeting, YUFA...