Call for Nominations: Joint Employer – YUFA Committees and YUFA Committees

Call for Nominations: Joint Employer – YUFA Committees and YUFA Committees

Below are the names and descriptions of the various joint and YUFA committees which will have vacancies beginning June 1, 2024. For each committee, the number of vacancies is indicated along with any course release associated with service.

Unless otherwise indicated, all terms of service are for two (2) years, beginning on June 1, 2024 and ending May 31, 2026. Appointments to committees are approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by Stewards’ Council.

If you wish to be considered for any of the positions available, kindly submit a written statement describing your reasons for wanting to serve, any relevant experience and any education or training. The deadline to submit your written statement is Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:00 pm. Statements should be submitted to [email protected].


Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement and Subcommittee on Long Range Planning (1 vacancy)

The Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement (JCOAA) (Article 7) shall function in an advisory capacity to the Association and/or the Employer with the general aim of ensuring that the Collective Agreement is administered in a spirit of co-operation and mutual respect. The Joint Committee is chaired jointly by a representative of the Association and a representative of the Employer, who are responsible for preparing and distributing agenda for meetings, and alternate in presiding over meetings. The Joint Committee meets at least once monthly, or more or less frequently as the parties may agree, or, on five (5) days’ notice, at the call of either of the chairpersons.

The YUFA JCOAA member at-large also sits on the Joint Subcommittee on Long Range Planning which is maintained through JCOAA for joint consideration of factors bearing on the future well-being of the University and members of the YUFA bargaining unit, including:

  • long-range salary policy and its relationship to complement policy and university finances;
  • enrolment trends and their implications for faculty complement and university finances;
  • plans that relate to the implications of secondary school reform; and
  • implications of academic planning for the job security, professional and collegial lives of YUFA members.

The LRP Subcommittee meets at least once a month during the Fall and Winter semesters and submits an annual summary report of its activities to the JCOAA by 31 March of each year.

YUFA is seeking to fill one vacancy for a member at-large to serve on both JCOAA and LRP.


Joint Financial Information Subcommittee (3 vacancies)

The Joint Committee shall establish a Financial Information Subcommittee to serve as the channel for the passing of data and analyses of the financial operations of the University between the parties. The Subcommittee shall meet at least once every six (6) weeks during the Autumn/Winter session and shall submit a summary report of its activities to the JCOAA once annually, between 1 February and 31 March. The Association shall receive all financial information given to Senate APPC and its subcommittees.


Joint Committee on Affirmative Action (3 vacancies)

The mandate of this subcommittee is to ensure that units conform to the Article 12.21 criteria for selecting candidates and to ensure that units actively seek out and give fair consideration in their selection processes to candidates designated in the affirmative action provisions of the Collective Agreement. The subcommittee approves academic unit affirmative action plans to ensure that established policies are implemented. Any substantive revision to a unit’s plan must be submitted to the Joint Committee on Affirmative Action for approval. The JCAA is additionally responsible for:

  • conducting an annual audit of shortlisting of, recommendations for, and appointments of women and other designated equity groups and assess the percentage of tenure-stream faculty and librarian positions filled by these groups;
  • preparing an annual report on these matters to YUFA and the Employer; and
  • organizing workshops for unit Chairs, Affirmative Action Representatives, members of hiring committees and tenure and promotion committees on Collective Agreement provisions, principles, objectives, recent history and best practices with respect to employment equity.

The meeting schedule is determined by the Joint Subcommittee but members are required to commit to a regular two-hour time each week in case meetings are needed. Most meetings occur during the hiring period, between January and the early summer.


Dispute Resolution Committee (3 vacancies – 0.5 FCE course reduction)

YUFA is seeking applications from members who wish to be considered for the positions of YUFA Co-Chair of the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) (1 position), and as YUFA Side- persons (2 positions) as described in Article 9 of the Collective Agreement.

DRC YUFA Co-Chair: Applicants must have familiarity with the Collective Agreement in general and the grievance process in particular, as outlined in Article 9. Experience with arbitration and mediation are definite assets. Only a member who agrees to set aside a scheduled three-hour block of time twice a month shall be appointed as DRC Co-Chair. The appointee receives a 0.5 FCE course release during the term of appointment. Service to YUFA by its members is included within the definition of “service to the University” for purposes of assessing workload and evaluating performance. The appointment is for a one-year term beginning June 1, 2024 and ending May 31, 2025. The DRC Co-Chair will be excluded from the bargaining unit during their term of office.

DRC Side-persons: Applicants should have familiarity with the Collective Agreement in general and the grievance process in particular, as outlined in Article 9. Only members who agree to set aside a scheduled three-hour block of time twice a month shall be appointed to the DRC. Each appointee receives a 0.5 FCE course release during the term of appointment. Service to YUFA by its members is included within the definition of “service to the University” for purposes of assessing workload and evaluating performance. Up to two (2) members shall be appointed by YUFA Executive, ratified by Stewards’ Council, for a one-year term beginning June 1, 2024 and ending May 31, 2025.


Joint Health and Safety Committees (8 vacancies – 0.25 FCE course release per year)

YUFA is seeking (8) members to populate Joint Health and Safety Committees in the following precincts:

  1. Education
  2. Glendon College
  3. Kaneff Tower
  4. LAPS
  5. Schulich
  6. Science, Health and Environmental Studies
  7. Dahdaleh
  8. Markham
  9. York Lanes

JHSCs are now precinct-based rather than union-based which means that YUFA has representatives on 12 different multi-union JHSCs across campus. The terms of office for the JHSCs below are coming to an end on May 31, 2024 so we are seeking nominations for only those committees. Candidates may only apply for a location in which they work (normally where their office or lab is housed). If your office is not located in the precinct to which you’re applying, please advise how you are connected to the specific area represented by the JHSC.

JHSC certification training will be offered for appointed members. Appointments to the JHSC carry a 0.25 FCE course release per year of service.


YUFA Pension Committee (2 vacancies)

The YUFA Pension committee is responsible for reviewing, researching and overseeing matters related to the pensions of members and to serve as the union-side caucus of the joint committee established under Article 14.01 (d) of the York University/YUFA Collective agreement and to help prepare YUFA for any negotiations with the employer on matters related to pensions and retirement provisions.

The YUFA Executive may also designate members of the pension committee to consult with other members of the York University Pension Plan through bodies such as the York University Pension Group (YUPG). The pension committee will meet at least once a term, and more frequently as circumstances require.


Equity Subcommittee (3 vacancies)

The Equity Subcommittee exists to assist the Equity Officers to facilitate, advance, and advocate for the reduction and removal of inequities at York University, with regard to issues such as hiring, tenure and promotion, salaries, and retirement. These include inequities on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnicity, religion, political belief, language, culture, ancestry, place of origin (birth place), colour, citizenship, creed, sex, pregnancy, sexual preference, marital status, family status, number of dependants, or belief or membership in associations, and other forms of discrimination.

Specifically the Equity Subcommittee’s responsibilities shall include assisting the Equity Officers in: drafting contract proposals on equity issues; analysing the current Collective Agreement for biases and anomalies; ensuring more diverse representation in YUFA and on joint committees; facilitating, in consultation with the Grievance Subcommittee, the resolution of grievances that deal with equity issues at both the individual and policy levels; ensuring that equity issues are addressed within YUFA; working to educate YUFA members and others at York on equity issues; fostering discussion and understanding within YUFA and at York on equity questions and how they may be addressed. The Equity Officers shall report to the Executive Committee the Subcommittee’s progress on these responsibilities.

In constituting the Equity Subcommittee, the goal is to ensure breadth of representation and expertise. The subcommittee consists of the 2 YUFA Equity Officers; the chairs of the recognized caucuses (Disability; Race Equity; Queer; Indigenous) and 3 members appointed by the Executive Committee, preferably one of whom is from Glendon (By-Law #3a). Nominees are asked to provide a brief statement to the Executive prior to appointment concerning their expertise and background in equity issues and particular interest in serving.


York University Retiree Benefit Trust (2 vacancies)

YUFA is seeking a nomination to fill one vacancy on the York University Retired Faculty and Librarian Benefit Trust Fund. Trustees are responsible for administering the Fund for the purpose of providing such Benefits, as may be appropriate in accordance with the Benefit Plan adopted from time to time by the Trustees and approved by YUFA after consultation with ARFL.


Joint Subcommittee on Employment Equity and Inclusivity (3 vacancies)

The JSCEEI discusses issues with respect to the requirements of the Federal Contractors Program and the University’s Policies and Programs relating to Employment Equity and Inclusivity. The Subcommittee also oversee any University-wide equity and inclusivity audits of full-time faculty and librarians/archivists as agreed upon by the Parties and may make recommendations to address any identified concerns on the basis of the outcome of any such audits. The Subcommittee shall meet at least once every six (6) weeks during the Fall/Winter session and shall submit a summary report of its activities to the JCOAA once annually by June 30th.


Communications Committee (5 vacancies)

The YUFA Communications Committee ensures timely, relevant, and two-way communication with members. There are important matters on the agenda for developing the work of this new standing committee for the coming year. Service on the Communications Committee service counts as service to the U

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