YUFA Executive Officer Elections 2025-2027 Term
Please see the full Election Call out here.
Open Positions and Written Statements:
- Chief Stewards (1 of 2 positions)
- Equity Officers (1 of 2 positions)
- Recording Secretary
- JCOAA Co-Chair
Committee Vacancies
Below are the names and brief descriptions of the various joint and YUFA committees which currently have vacancies. Service on YUFA committees counts as service to the University.
Unless otherwise indicated, terms are generally for two (2) years, beginning on June 1, 2024 and ending May 31, 2026. Appointments to committees are approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by Stewards’ Council. If you wish to be considered for any of the positions available, please reach out to [email protected].
Joint Committee on Affirmative Action: 1 vacancy
- The mandate of this subcommittee is to ensure that units conform to the Article 12.21 criteria for selecting candidates and to ensure that units actively seek out and give fair consideration in their selection processes to candidates designated in the affirmative action provisions of the Collective Agreement. The subcommittee approves academic unit affirmative action plans to ensure that established policies are implemented. Any substantive revision to a unit’s plan must be submitted to the Joint Committee on Affirmative Action for approval.
Joint Health and Safety Committees: 1 vacancy (Markham Precincts)
- JHSCs are now precinct-based rather than union-based which means that YUFA has representatives on 12 different multi-union JHSCs across campus. Candidates may only apply for a location in which they work (normally where their office or lab is housed). If your office is not located in the precinct to which you’re applying, please advise how you are connected to the specific area represented by the JHSC.
Joint Subcommittee on Employment Equity and Inclusivity: 2 vacancies
- The JSCEEI discusses issues with respect to the requirements of the Federal Contractors Program and the University’s Policies and Programs relating to Employment Equity and Inclusivity. The Subcommittee also oversee any University-wide equity and inclusivity audits of full-time faculty and librarians/archivists as agreed upon by the Parties and may make recommendations to address any identified concerns on the basis of the outcome of any such audits. The Subcommittee shall meet at least once every six (6) weeks during the Fall/Winter session and shall submit a summary report of its activities to the JCOAA once annually by June 30th.
Equity Subcommittee: 3 vacancies
- The Equity Subcommittee exists to assist the Equity Officers to facilitate, advance, and advocate for the reduction and removal of inequities at York University, with regard to issues such as hiring, tenure and promotion, salaries, and retirement. These include inequities on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnicity, religion, political belief, language, culture, ancestry, place of origin (birth place), colour, citizenship, creed, sex, pregnancy, sexual preference, marital status, family status, number of dependents, or belief or membership in associations, and other forms of discrimination.
YUFA Pension Committee: 2 vacancies
- The YUFA Pension committee is responsible for reviewing, researching and overseeing matters related to the pensions of members and to serve as the union-side caucus of the joint committee established under Article 14.01 (d) of the York University/YUFA Collective agreement and to help prepare YUFA for any negotiations with the employer on matters related to pensions and retirement provisions.
York University Retiree Benefit Trust: 2 vacancies
- YUFA is seeking a nomination to fill two vacancies on the York University Retired Faculty and Librarian Benefit Trust Fund. Trustees are responsible for administering the Fund for the purpose of providing such Benefits, as may be appropriate in accordance with the Benefit Plan adopted from time to time by the Trustees and approved by YUFA after consultation with ARFL.
Communications Committee: Open vacancies
- The YUFA Communications Committee ensures timely, relevant, and two-way communication with members. There are important matters on the agenda for developing the work of this new standing committee for the coming year.
Community Projects Committee: Open membership
- YUFA'S Community Projects Committee (YUFA-CP) facilitates YUFA’s work with community groups to promote engaged citizenship through access and equity programs, and to undertake community-based research. New members are welcome! If you are interested in joining YUFA-CP, please write to [email protected].
YUFA's Equity Caucuses
YUFA's Equity Officers cordially invite YUFA members who identify as racialized, Indigenous, LGBTQ2, or disabled to join one or more of YUFA's five (5) equity caucuses. Please note that serving on any of YUFA's equity caucuses counts as part of your service work.
- Race Equity Caucus: The Race Equity Caucus (REC) would like to invite interested YUFA members (who identify as racialized and/or visible minorities) to join the Caucus.
- Caucus D’équité Raciale à Glendon: Glendon's Race Equity Caucus is led by racialized part and full-time faculty but open to all faculty committed to race equity.
- Indigenous Caucus: We are a collective of self-identifying Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) educators here at York University.
- Queer Caucus: YUFA Queer Caucus is made up of YUFA members who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, non-binary, gender variant, Two-Spirit, intersex, queer, or questioning.
- Disability Caucus: The caucus provides an opportunity for faculty members with disabilities to come together, voice their concerns, and advocate for their needs.
Members interested in joining one (or more) of the caucuses should write to [email protected] using the subject line: Equity Caucuses and identifying the specific caucus(es) they wish to join.
Stewards' Council Vacancies
The Stewards' Council provides a forum for discussion of issues of concern to YUFA members and can direct the Executive Committee to take action thereon. Below are the names of the various units who have a steward vacancy. Service on YUFA committees counts as service to the University. Unless otherwise indicated, terms are generally for two (2) years, beginning on June 1, 2022 and ending May 31, 2024. Appointments to Stewards Council are ratified by the unit membership. If you wish to be considered for an open steward position, please reach out to [email protected].
- Visual Art and Art History; Computational Arts School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design: 1 vacancy
- French, Glendon College: 1 vacancy
- Social Sciences, Glendon College (Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Mathematics, International Studies): 1 vacancy
- Nursing, Faculty of Health: 1 vacancy
- Psychology, Faculty of Health: 1 vacancy
- Communications Studies/Information Technology, Faculty of LA&PS: 1 vacancy
- Economics, Faculty of LA&PS: 1 vacancy
- Humanities and Writing Department, Faculty of LA&PS: 1 vacancy
- French Studies, Faculty of LA&PS: 1 vacancy
- Social Science, Faculty of LA&PS: 1 vacancy
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 2 vacancies
- Schulich: 1 vacancy
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