November 27, 2016
The Equity Subcommittee, Equity Caucuses, and Executive Committee cordially invite all YUFA members to join us at an end-of-term holiday social. Help celebrate the many efforts of our members and staff over the past forty years to make York a better and more equitable place to work and learn.YUFA's Holiday...
November 24, 2016
An image of a pamphlet of the Cross-Campus Alliance, displaying the logos of all the member groupsThe following joint-statement was issued to the presidential search committee and to the York University Board of Governors on November 25, 2016:York community members raise concerns about process and possible outcomeIn recent weeks, members...
November 22, 2016
Yesterday YUFA published the results of a poll that overwhelmingly demonstrate the serious concerns among our members about the conduct and direction of the current presidential search at York University. Today we are sharing those results, including hundreds of comments, with the presidential search committee and the Board of Governors. These responses...
November 21, 2016
At the request of YUFA members, YUFA conducted a short poll about the search that is currently underway to find a new President of York University. The poll took place from November 15 to 21, 2016 and was conducted by electronic ballot. A total of 896 out of 1,552 eligible voters participated...
November 20, 2016
The following nominations have been received for the 2017-19 YUFA Officer positions:
One (1) nomination for Chief Steward: Sheila Embleton
One (1) nomination for Equity Officer: Frances Latchford
YUFA will continue to accept nominations until Friday, November 25 at 6:00 p.m. The full call-out for nominations is available here.
November 16, 2016
Dear students, alumni, staff, and community members,In the wake of the U.S. Presidential election, we are saddened by the proliferation of racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ableist and other discriminatory rhetoric and actions in the United States and Canada. As an Association that is committed to principles of equity and inclusion, we...
November 15, 2016
Per Article 7.03 (d) of the Collective Agreement, YUFA is seeking two members for the Teaching-Learning Development Grants / Release-Time Teaching Fellowship / Education Leave Committee (Articles 19.19, 19.31 and 19.32).The Committee is expected to meet once, for up to three hours, in January to review and adjudicate applications.If you...
November 10, 2016
Nominations are now being accepted for the positions of Chief Steward (1 of 2 positions) and Equity Officer (1 of 2 positions). The terms of office begin June 1, 2017 and end May 31, 2019. Read more about the positions here.Candidates for election as Officers of the Association shall submit written statements...
November 09, 2016
Dear colleagues,Most of you have received notices from your Dean/Principal calling for the annual submissions of C.V.s. YUFA has received a number of inquiries about this exercise from members who are concerned about the nature of the submission and the nature of any review that might be involved. In response...
November 07, 2016
YUFA is seeking members to fill the following positions: YUFA Trustees Returning Officer YUFA TrusteesYUFA is seeking two (2) members to serve as YUFA Trustees. According to Article 3.5 ("Annual General Meeting") of the YUFA Constitution,Two Trustees shall be elected from the floor of the Annual General Meeting for the purpose...