New, Improved Website!

YUFA’s long-awaited new website is here!

This site has some fantastic improvements:

  • The updated template is more mobile-friendly and has the latest accessibility features.
  • The site now has a blog for YUFA Officers and Community Projects: check often for the latest updates from the Association!
  • The members’ forum has been revamped to be more user-friendly around a streamlined set of categories to which members can subscribe: Collective Agreement: Bargaining and JCOAA, Collegiality and Governance at YU, University Finance and Pensions, Issues in Higher Education, Community.

Members can log-on to the site on the homepage: Your user name is the first part of your email address (e.g., the log-on for [email protected] would be ‘rwellen’). If have forgotten your password or have not yet received one, use the prompt in the log-on box to create a new one.