
Success Beyond Limits: Another successful summer

This summer 100 grade 9 students from the Jane and Finch neighbourhood graduated from SBL summer program. The program was started with the support of YUFA CP and is designed to address low graduation rates in the Jane Finch community by helping student’s transition into high school while earning high...

An exciting summer (your money went a long way)

It was an exciting summer and many things happened.And now we are all back in gear in full teaching mode, it is a perfect time to reflect on all the amazing initiatives that YUFA CP has supported this summer. Over the next few weeks I will be posting summaries of...

Teaching Evaluations, Strike-Affected Semesters, and Tenure & Promotion

In response to pressure from YUFA through the JCOAA, the Employer has agreed that the inclusion in tenure and promotion files of student course evaluations for courses offered during the strike-affected 2015 Winter term will be optional. Members who taught during the Winter 2015 semester may decide whether these course evaluations...

CAUT Forum for Aboriginal Academic Staff, November 6-7, 2015

The Canadian Association of University Teachers will be holding its 5th Forum for Aboriginal Academic Staff on November 6-7, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel Downtown in Winnipeg, Manitoba.From the CAUT's website: "In light of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report, this year's forum will allow participants to collectively consider:...

Employer's Unilateral Changes to Portability Provisions of York Pension Plan

Richard Wellen, YUFA PresidentMembers of the York University Pension Plan (YUPP) have always had a number of options for how their pension would be paid upon retirement. One such option includes the right to transfer the “commuted value”—or monetary equivalent—of one's pension entitlement out of the plan entirely. However, on...

Document Preservation Notice Advisory

The Employer has recently sent a memorandum reminding members to preserve records that may be relevant to litigation launched by “Access Copyright” in 2013. This reminder referred members to the Document Preservation Notice issued on June 27, 2013 and stated that this notice remains in effect.YUFA has filed grievances regarding...

YUFA Supports UNITE HERE Fight for Good Jobs in Jane-Finch

At its meeting on July 14, 2015, the YUFA Executive voted to express its support to UNITE HERE Local 75 in their fight to defend well-paying jobs in the Jane-Finch community. Local 75 is currently attempting to bargain a new collective agreement with the Holiday Inn Toronto-North York, managed by the...

More Than a Bargaining Unit: YUFA's Community Projects Committee

In the Spring-Summer 2015 issue of OCUFA's Academic Matters, YUFA Community Projects Committee Co-Chairs Natalie Coulter and Lorna Irwin discuss the history and contemporary importance of our Association's work with the Jane-Finch Community. Funded by a $2/month levy, the Community Project Committee realizes YUFA's commitment to social justice and to develop initiatives that are...

YUFA Working Group on the Federal Election

The federal election that is expected on 19 October will be important for universities. The present government has made a number of moves that have upset faculty, students, workers, and even administrators, including:• Reducing funding to the major granting agencies and tying new funds to research in support of private-sector...

IIRP Community Discussions

The University recently released the Institutional Integrated Resource Plan (IIRP) document to the York community.  Two community discussion sessions to solicit feedback on the document are scheduled for Thursday, June 25 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm in the Moot Court, Osgoode Hall Law School (Ignat Kaneff Building) and Friday, June...