YUFA continues to receive numerous queries from members regarding remediation. YUFA members are seeking clarity and trying to make sense of the contradictory and/or confusing and/or unclear information about remediation that they are receiving.
YUFA's view is that, throughout the current strike, the Employer, York University senior administration, has failed to provide clear and timely communications to YUFA and its members. When the Employer has communicated, it has provided contradictory information to members, particularly regarding the timing of remediation, summer vacations, and sabbaticals. YUFA has heard from members that this lack of clarity and/or confusion has resulted in a variety of forms of harm, including members' choosing to postpone or even cancel previously planned research or conference travel, and also the disruption to, or revision of, sabbatical plans. YUFA has filed a policy grievance addressing these concerns on July 19, 2018. YUFA urges any members with related questions or concerns to email [email protected].
YUFA filed a second policy grievance on July 19, 2018 in response to the Employer's communication of June 2, 2018 ("Remediation FAQ for Full-Time Faculty"). The June 2, 2018 communication to faculty states that for faculty scheduled to take sabbatical, courses can proceed with instruction from other faculty: "The YUFA CA provides for collegial arrangements for covering short periods of instructor absence." In YUFA's view, the Collective Agreement does not contain any such provision. The teaching/professional and service responsibilities of a colleague shall only be taken up by another colleague, in YUFA’s view, in the event of short-term leave or pregnancy and parental leave, and not for the purposes of sabbatical. The Collective Agreement stipulates that any such coverage will be for a period of no longer than four weeks, but coverage for remediation following the CUPE 3903 strike will be longer than that. YUFA's understanding at this point, based on discussion with the Employer, is that colleagues cannot be compelled to cover for colleagues nor can they be compelled by the Employer to defer their sabbatical. YUFA urges any members with related questions or concerns to email [email protected].
Finally, based on feedback from members, YUFA is very concerned about the cancellation of courses during the current summer term. Members are being told by their respective Dean's office that they will "owe" any such cancelled course and, further, that they will need to teach the courses they "owe" in the Fall/Winter 2018/19 terms. YUFA does not accept that members shall owe courses as a result of strike-related cancellation, as occurred with the cancellation of summer term courses. YUFA is hearing from members that their Fall/Winter 2018/19 courses may also be cancelled and that they will "owe" those courses. YUFA urges any members with related questions or concerns to email [email protected].