June 2023
Welcome to YUFA’s June Newsletter!
Items and suggestions for the next Newsletter are greatly appreciated. Please send these to Thomas Klassen, YUFA Communications Officer.
In this issue:
YUFA settles grievance on member access to PER during long term disability
Employer over deducted LTD premiums for members with irrevocable reduced load
YUFA members and their dependents have emergency medical insurance when traveling outside Canada
Links to YUFA-M messages sent in May 2023 (for information only)
May 3: YUFA proposes that Employer agree to a salary remediation arrangement
May 3: Call for nominations: Joint Employer - YUFA committees and YUFA committees (note: deadlines have passed)
May 5: YUFA Race Equity Caucus Spring 2023 Forum (note: event has passed)
May 12: Call for nominations: Stewards’ Council representatives to the Executive Committee (note: deadline has passed)
May 24: Call for YUFA Chief Steward (June 6th deadline!)
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