The RACE Equity Caucus invites you to a REC forum that focuses on a critical engagement with DEDI training workshops – especially that of unconscious bias. Such workshops have been subject to much discussion. Some view these as effective tools to further equity. Others point to limitations since they are largely focus on individuals’ attitudes and practices. In this forum, we would like to critically engage with such viewpoints in order to assess how we can effectively employ such workshops.
The forum aims to explore a series of questions which includes:
- How are such workshops conceptualized and organized in universities?
- In what ways have they been effective in furthering equity?
- What are the limitations of such training - in terms of their conceptualization, implementation and effectiveness?
Enakshi Dua, Chair of Race Equity Caucus, York University
Angele Alook, Chair, YUFA Indigenous Caucus, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, York University
Carl James, Special Advisor on Equity and Representation in the Office of the Vice President of Equity, People and Culture, Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Faulty of Education, York University
Rebecca Pillai Riddell, York Research Chair in Pain and Mental Health Professor and Director, The Opportunities to Understand Childhood Hurt Laboratory (OUCH Lab).
Shirley Tate, Professor and Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Feminism and Intersectionality, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta
The forum will take place Wednesday, May 17, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm via zoom.
To register for the forum, please click HERE