Join York U Faculty, Staff and Administration welcome high school graduates from 5 Jane and Finch High Schools onto YorkU Campus
Date: Tuesday, June 13
Time: 11:30am
Where: Meet in Front of Vari Hall
Bring: Please bring signs welcoming students, noise makers and wear your robes (sunscreen and hats recommended too)
This will be all outdoors, rain or shine, and a great opportunity to see your faculty and staff friends in an outdoor space.
The Walk With Excellence (WWE) is an annual event planned by the local Jane Finch/BlackCreek High Schools, York-TD Community Engagement Centre (CEC), Blackhurst Cultural Centre (a.k.a. A Different Booklist Bookstore and Cultural Centre), and founding collaboration with the Jean Augustine Chair for Education, Community and Diaspora at York.
Each year over 500 graduating High School students participate from five high schools (Westview, Emery, Downsview, CW Jeffries, JC Mcguigan). The WWE celebrates the achievements of these 500+ high school graduates and culminates with a parade onto York University, symbolizing a community supporting the transition to post-secondary education and the nurturing of a future of life-long learning, and the excellence, enthusiasm and potential of students from the community.
Each year the parade is welcomed onto campus by York University Administration, Staff and Faculty. It would mean so much to see a real presence from YUFA Faculty at the event.
For more information on Walk With Excellence, check out these past versions.
We hope you and your team will join us. Just so there is a idea of York’s representation, please send Lorna Schwartzentruber [email protected]a note to indicate you will be attending. If that doesn’t get done, no worries, just come on out!