Bargaining Team


YUFA's collective bargaining process, including the appointment of the Bargaining Team, is governed by Bylaw 2 of the YUFA Bylaws.

In particular, Bylaw 2.1 states: "Up to eight months prior to the expiry of the collective agreement, the Executive Committee shall appoint five or six members of the bargaining unit to the collective bargaining team. Appointments must be made by a vote of two-thirds of Executive members present and voting. No more than two members of the collective bargaining team shall be members of Executive Committee."

2024 Bargaining Team

  • Richard Wellen (Chief Negotiator): Social Science, LA&PS
  • John Amanatides: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Lassonde
  • Mary-Helen Armour: Science, Technology and Society, Science
  • Marlon Valencia: English, Glendon College
  • Hannah Johnston: Human Resource Management, LA&PS
  • Arthur Hilliker: Biology, Science
  • Minoo Derayeh: Equity Studies, LA&PS (Equity Officer, Ex Officio)


For more information on bargaining, please visit Bargaining 2021, Past Bargaining, or Resources.