
Sick and Tired at Work? YUFA Disability Caucus Event, December 3, 2018

The YUFA Disability Caucus invites all members of York University to attend and participate in a celebration of the UN International Day for Persons with Disabilities on Monday 3 Dec. 2018 from 12-1PM in the Vari Hall Rotunda.The event, called Sick and Tired at Work?, is sponsored by the York...

Sign the petition: Save transit at #YorkU!

Dear members, We urgently need your help to save transit at York University. Please click here and sign the petition to restore all YRT/VIVA/GO bus stops on campus. Please also share this message with family and friends. Together, we can make transit on campus accessible and affordable! (Text continues after image.) An image...

Collegial governance, not managerialism

A photograph of a close-up of buttons displaying YUFA's name and logoBackgrounder for General Membership Meeting on governanceYUFA members have experienced a widespread deterioration in collegial rights in matters of University governance. At a meeting earlier this year, members voted to convene a General Membership Meeting (GMM) focused on governance...

YUFA Fall General Membership Meeting - Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Dear Colleagues:Please mark your calendars - you are invited to the Fall General Membership Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 13, 2018 from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm in Founders 152 (Assembly Hall).  The major focus of the meeting is on governance: What is YUFA's role in promoting collegial governance?  A meeting...

Call for members to serve on STAPAC working group

The Senate Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee (STAPAC) hears appeals in the instances of a negative recommendation by the Review Committee for tenure, or a delay decision for promotion to full professor (Section F.3.6 of the Tenure and Promotions Policy, Criteria and Procedures Senate document).YUFA and the Employer recently signed...

Save the date! General Membership Meeting on governance: November 13

A close-up of a microphone with a blurry image of a crowded meeting in the backgroundSave the date!On November 13, YUFA will hold a General Membership Meeting (GMM). The order of the day will be governance, in response to requests from the membership to discuss this issue. All YUFA members...

Call for Nominations: YUFA Chief Steward and YUFA Equity Officer

Dear Members:Nominations are now being accepted for the positions of Chief Steward (1 of 2 positions) and Equity Officer (1 of 2 positions). The terms of office begin June 1, 2019 and end May 31, 2021. Read more about the positions here.Candidates for election as Officers of the Association shall...

YUFA Tentative Agreement Ratified

YUFA conducted an online ratification vote on the October 16, 2018 Memorandum of Settlement for a Renewal Collective Agreement from Thursday, October 18 at 8:00pm (following the Special GMM) to Monday October 22 at 5:00pm.Ratification votes are governed by Article 9.2 of the YUFA Constitution.The results of the ratification vote...

YUFA reaches tentative agreement; ratification vote starts October 18

A photograph of a close-up of buttons displaying YUFA's name and logoDear members,The Executive Committee is pleased to announce that YUFA has signed a tentative agreement with the Employer for the renewal of the YUFA Collective Agreement. At a special meeting this morning, the Executive Committee voted unanimously to endorse...

Film screening: A Silent Transformation

An image of the poster of the film screeningCelebrate Co-op Week!YUFA is pleased to endorse the film screening of:A Silent Transformation:A film about co-operativesBy Powerline FilmsWednesday, October 174:15 p.m.Nat Taylor CinemaN102 Ross BuildingWatch the trailer here.The film screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring: Anton Smolski: York University...