YUFA Committee Vacancies

Below are the names and descriptions of the various joint and YUFA committees which currently have vacancies. For each committee, the number of vacancies is indicated along with any course release associated with service.

Unless otherwise indicated, all terms of service are for two (2) years, beginning on June 1, 2022 and ending May 31, 2024. Appointments to committees are approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by Stewards’ Council.

If you wish to be considered for any of the positions available, kindly submit a written statement describing your reasons for wanting to serve, any relevant experience and any education or training. The deadline to submit your written statement is Thursday, December 16, 2022, at 3:00 pm. Statements should be submitted to [email protected].

To get involved with YUFA, find the names and descriptions of the joint and YUFA committees with vacancies here.