
Medical marijuana coverage

The University and YUFA have agreed that effective May 1, 2024, where a claim for medical marijuana is made through the adjudication/claims process for medical marijuana as set out in the SunLife Group Benefits Booklet for employees in the YUFA Bargaining Unit ("Benefits Booklet"), which includes a Prior Approval form,...

YUFA update on remediation protocol to address additional work

YUFA has communicated its strong objections to the Employer regarding the confusing, contradictory, chaotic, and unreasonable handling of CUPE 3903 strike remediation, which has resulted in significant additional workload for YUFA members.  YUFA representatives at the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement will be negotiating a remediation protocol...

AGM reminder and OCUFA request for solidarity

AGM Reminder and Meeting Package: As a reminder, YUFA will hold its Annual General Members Meeting this coming Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 12pm to 3pm. The Zoom link for the meeting is at the end of this message. The Meeting Package for the AGM, including a Zoom link, has been circulated over YUFA-M on Tuesday,...

Call for Nominations: Joint Employer – YUFA Committees and YUFA Committees

Call for Nominations: Joint Employer – YUFA Committees and YUFA Committees Below are the names and descriptions of the various joint and YUFA committees which will have vacancies beginning June 1, 2024. For each committee, the number of vacancies is indicated along with any course release associated with service. Unless...

Open letter regarding the use of strikebreakers at York University

April 18, 2024 Open Letter Regarding the Use of Strikebreakers at York University We join our voices to firmly and unequivocally condemn the repeated invitations extended by York University to strikebreakers – aka “scabs”– during the 2024 CUPE 3903 strike (ongoing at the time of writing). The use of strikebreakers...

Treatment of YUFA members and staff

YUFA is an organization that operates democratically in the interests of its members. Much of what YUFA accomplishes is due to the energy, collegiality and engagement of its members. In light of the above, it is of utmost importance that all members, as well as YUFA staff, are treated with...

Reminder: YUFA Annual General Membership Meeting - May 2

YUFA will be holding its Annual General Membership Meeting on May 2 from 12pm to 3pm. An agenda package and zoom link will be distributed over YUFA-M. To help expedite sign-in procedures, members are requested to log on with their first and last names made visible on their zoom profile...

2023-2024 Transgender Fund Now Open

The Transgender Fund is an entitlement for YUFA members to support trans health and related services. It was gained during bargaining in 2015-16 and currently appears as Article 26.11 in the 2021-24 Collective Agreement. The Fund is $40,000 per annum. Any remaining funds from one year will be carried forward...