YUFA has been urging the Employer to address the backlog of Tenure & Promotion (T&P) files leaving YUFA members to experience unprecedented and unacceptable delays. This backlog and delay problem has not been reported across departments and faculties.
YUFA continues to push for files to be appropriately moved through the process, for the backlogs and delays to be addressed, and for additional efforts be made to expedite the exceptionally delayed files where possible. To assist with these efforts, YUFA is asking for all those who have experienced delays with their tenure and/or promotion files over the last 24 months to contact us – even if your delayed file has now been resolved.
Please e-mail YUFA at [email protected] with the subject line “T&P Delay Data” and include the following information where possible: your faculty, unit, type of promotion (to Associate or to Full), date of when your File Prep Committee was constituted, date of Adjudicating committee decision, date of Decanal letter, when file sent to SRC, date of SRC decision, when the file was sent to President’s Office, and the date of the President’s Letter. If your file is still in progress, obviously you won’t have dates yet for the later stages of the process; please give us the dates of these stages in your process so far.
YUFA would like to gather full data on the extent of the problem and how it has developed over the past two years to address not only the files that are caught in the backlog, but also the structural issues going forward to ensure that these systemic issues are actively and immediately rectified.