On November 7, 2023, the Employer provided YUFA with two options regarding retroactive salary increases now that Bill 124 is no longer in force. Bill 124 limited increases in salary to 1% each year for the past three years.
Below is a summary of the two options that the Employer provided.
Option A
- A 3% salary increase effective May 2023 to recognize that due to Bill 214 YUFA salaries increased by only 1% in 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24.
- NO bargaining for a new collective agreement for 2024-27, but rather an extension of the current agreement with only the following changes:
- increases in salary of 3% in 2024-25; 2.5% in 2025-26; and 2.0% in 2026-27; and
- minor changes to Collective Agreement language, and monetary improvements.
Option B
- A 2% salary increase effective May 2023 to recognize that due to Bill 124 YUFA salaries increased by only 1% in 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24.
- Normal bargaining for a new Collective Agreement for 2024-27.
YUFA is under no obligation to accept either option proposed by the Employer. Please note that after May 2024, YUFA is no longer subject to the terms of Bill 124.
A copy of the document prepared by the Employer and received by YUFA is posted here.
YUFA rejects both options
Option A removes the ability of YUFA to bargain, and to seek improvements in working conditions for members. Option A involves no changes to Progress through the Ranks (PTR), Professions Expenses Reimbursement (PER), or other terms and conditions of employment including equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Option B fails does not take into account increases in the cost of living between 2021 and 2024. The proposed salary increase of 2% for 2021-24 is not in keeping with increases that faculty at other universities in Toronto and Ontario have been obtained. For example, the University of Toronto Faculty Association was awarded a 7% increase over three years, in addition to 1% mandated by Bill 124.
Next steps
The Employer has made nearly identical offers to all unions on campus (YUFA, YUSA, CUPE and OPSEU) regarding compensation for 2021-24. The unions are meeting to develop a joint statement to the Employer that will be shared with all YUFA members.
YUFA is resolute in its objective to achieve fair compensation for its members and ensuring that faculty recoup income lost to the unconstitutional compensation freeze.
Members are encouraged to attend the YUFA General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, November 21 at 2pm. An agenda package will be circulated over YUFA-M shortly.
YUFA will continue to keep members informed.