Dear Colleagues:
Please mark your calendars - you are invited to the Fall General Membership Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 13, 2018 from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm in Founders 152 (Assembly Hall). The major focus of the meeting is on governance: What is YUFA's role in promoting collegial governance? A meeting on governance was requested back in the Spring by YUFA members.
Additional items of business include the Ontario Government policies on higher education, a review of the audited financial statements, and a constitutional change on the role of the JCOAA Co-chair.
Lunch will be provided. Attached is a meeting package of documents. A background document on governance (Attachment #3b) will be made available later this week. Please bring this package with you to the meeting as there will be a limited number of hard copies available. We urge you to attend this important meeting to share your thoughts on how governance can be improved and strengthened at York.