Below are the results of the election for YUFA Officers for the term June 1, 2024, to May 31, 2026 term (with the exception of the 2023-2025 Chief Steward vacancy). Candidates' names in boldface indicate persons elected and ratified. YUFA extends its sincere appreciation to all those members who ran for office and thanks all those members who took the time to vote.
President: Ellie Perkins
Ellie Perkins 344 (44.0%)
Arthur Hilliker 318 (40.7%)
Agnes Whitfield 120 (15.3%)
Abstain 33 (4.0%)
Vice-President Internal: Art Redding
Yes 649 (91.5%)
No 60 (8.5%)
Abstain 106 (13.0%)
Vice-President External: Anna Zalik
Anna Zalik 398 (52.7%)
Patrick Phillips 357 (47.3%)
Abstain 60 (7.4%)
Chief Steward (2024-2025): Susan Ingram
Yes 621 (88.3%)
No 82 (11.7%)
Abstain 112 (13.7%
Chief Steward (2024-2026): Nancy Sangiuliano
Yes 558 (87.2%)
No 82 (12.8%)
Abstain 175 (21.5%)
Equity Officer (1 of 2): Ena Dua
Yes 612 (86.3%)
No 97 (13.7%)
Abstain 106 (13.0%)
Communications Officer: Thomas Klassen
Thomas Klassen 415 (55.1%)
Merouan Mekouar 338 (44.9%)
Abstain 62 (7.6%)
Treasurer: Paul Evans
Paul Evans 385 (52.2%)
Evan Light 352 (47.8%)
Abstain 78 (9.6%)
Recording Secretary: Luin Goldring
Yes 659 (92.9%)
No 50 (7.1%)
Abstain 106 (13.0%)
Minoo Derayeh,
YUFA Returning Officer
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