YUFA has been informed that York University president Rhonda Lenton expects to respond by September 15, 2023, to the letter of August 25 endorsed by YUFA, YUSA, CUPE 1356 and CUPE 3903 calling on the Employer to renegotiate compensation.
While YUFA salary increases during the current collective agreement have been capped at 1% per year due to provincial legislation (Bill 124), the cost of living has increased at a much higher rate. Many members face struggles due to the increased costs of housing, food, and transportation, etc. Other universities in Ontario have in the past few months renegotiated wages to ensure their faculty members are fairly compensated. As Bill 124 has been struck down, it is no longer in force, nothing stops renegotiation from beginning at York University.
YUFA members have overwhelmingly stated that salary and benefits are the number one priority for the next round of bargaining. The current collective agreement expires on April 30, 2024.
The YUFA Executive Committee remains hopeful that the Employer will recognize the importance of ensuring that faculty recoup income lost to the unconstitutional compensation freeze and agree to immediately renegotiate compensation.
YUFA will share president Lenton’s response with all members once it is received.