YUFA conducted an electronic vote on 17 proposed constitutional amendments from Friday, February 15, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. to Friday, March 1, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.
In order to pass, the amendments must be ratified by a two-thirds (⅔) majority of voting members via electronic voting.
Only constitutional amendment number 17 passed. The remaining 16 amendments failed. The full package of proposals is available here.
A total of 848 voters cast ballots out of 1,545 eligible voters, for a turnout of 54.9%.
The full results of the electronic vote are as follows:
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 1?
Proposal to revise statement of YUFA’s organizational objectives
No: 530 (62.5%) FAILED
Yes: 318 (37.5%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 2?
Proposal to increase the number of members required to call for a YUFA General Meeting
No: 513 (60.5%) FAILED
Yes: 335 (39.5%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 3?
Proposal to double the size of quorum requirement for YUFA membership meetings
No: 523 (61.7%) FAILED
Yes: 325 (38.3%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 4?
Proposal to require electronic voting on motions raised from the floor at meetings
No: 497 (58.6%) FAILED
Yes: 351 (41.4%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 5?
Proposal to require electronic voting on motions at special meetings
No: 485 (57.2%) FAILED
Yes: 363 (42.8%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 6?
Proposal to change rules of order
No: 508 (59.9%) FAILED
Yes: 340 (40.1%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 7?
Proposal to elect trustees through electronic voting instead of at Annual General Meeting
No: 479 (56.5%) FAILED
Yes: 369 (43.5%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 8?
Proposal to change voting on YUFA budget and membership dues
No: 492 (58.0%) FAILED
Yes: 356 (42.0%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 9?
Proposal (1) to require Executive to conduct electronic polls upon request of 75 members and (2) proposal to require electronic voting for by-law changes
No: 490 (57.8%) FAILED
Yes: 358 (42.2%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 10?
Proposal to introduce recall procedure for outgoing president preventing them from serving as past president on next Executive
No: 535 (63.1%) FAILED
Yes: 313 (36.9%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 11?
Proposal to require separate electronic votes for each proposal submitted to the Employer in collective bargaining
No: 519 (61.2%) FAILED
Yes: 329 (38.8%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 12?
Proposal for consistency of language
No: 489 (57.7%) FAILED
Yes: 359 (42.3%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 13?
Proposal to require (1) membership referendum on arbitration option in bargaining and (2) delays and other votes before conducting strike mandate votes and taking job action
No: 540 (63.7%) FAILED
Yes: 308 (36.3%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 14?
Proposal to require electronic referendum on discontinuing strike action upon request of 75 members any time during a strike
No: 518 (61.1%) FAILED
Yes: 330 (38.9%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 15?
Proposal to require electronic referendum on union donations over $2,000
No: 469 (55.3%) FAILED
Yes: 379 (44.7%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 16?
Proposal to require super-majority to approve special levy
No: 477 (56.3%) FAILED
Yes: 371 (43.8%)
Total voters: 848
Are you in favour of constitutional amendment number 17?
Proposal to require more signatories for proposed constitutional amendments submitted by a group of members
Yes: 705 (83.1%) PASSED
No: 143 (16.9%)
Total voters: 848
To read each proposed constitutional amendment in their entirety, please click here.
For more information, please email [email protected].