Elections for the June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2024 YUFA Executive Officer positions were held electronically from 10:00am on November 18 to 10:00am on December 2, 2021. All nominees and candidate statements can be found here. YUFA thanks all candidates who came forward. The results, as verified by Simply Voting, are as follows:
President: Arthur Hilliker (elected)
Vice-President Internal: Susan Ingram (ratified)
Vice-President External: Patrick Phillips (ratified)
Chief Steward (1 of 2): Nancy Sangiuliano (elected)
Equity Officer (1 of 2): Akolisa Ufodike (elected)
Treasurer: Paul Evans (ratified)
Communications Officer: Thomas Klassen (elected)
Recording Secretary: Ida Ferrara (elected)
Sheila Embleton continues as Chief Steward for the 2021-23 term, and Minoo Derayeh continues as Equity Officer for the 2021-23 term. Elections for the Chief Steward and Equity Officer positions they hold will be held in the fall of 2022 (for a term of June 1, 2023-May 31, 2025).