Dear colleagues,
YUFA held its Annual General Meeting(AGM) on April 17, 2018. At the meeting, a budget for fiscal year 2018-19 was proposed; it will be sent for members' approval via electronic vote in the coming days. The Treasurer reported long-awaited progress in replenishing YUFA's reserves. Additional financial support for et al.(the Faculty/Grad Student Café & Pub) was also approved to help with financial challenges arising from the delayed opening and revenue shortfalls during the strike.
In addition, members reviewed the YUFA bargaining agenda which includes important items related to Equity, Compensation, Faculty Complement, Pensions and Retirement, Governance and Collegiality, and Teaching Load. Members were reminded that collective bargaining will commence in the near future, despite the ongoing strike by CUPE 3903 and despite the administration's attempt to delay bargaining.
Finally, members engaged in a lively discussion of what many saw as a governance crisis at the University that is playing out in the context of the CUPE 3903 strike. Reports were heard about attempts by the senior administration and the Board of Governors to undermine the jurisdiction of Senate over academic decisions during a labour disruption. Many members saw this as part of a larger effort by the Board and the President to weaken collegial governance across many dimensions of our academic lives.
In light of the discussion on these items, the following two motions were put forward and passed:
First motion:
YUFA expresses deep concern regarding the approach of the senior administration and the Board of Governors to University governance matters in the context of the current labour dispute. (passed)
Second motion:
The YUFA membership instructs the YUFA Executive to organize a special membership meeting on governance. (passed unanimously)
It is anticipated that the YUFA Executive will announce the Special Membership Meeting on Governance by early next week.