We have received a number of questions regarding the General Membership Meeting on bargaining to be held on Wednesday, February 3 from 2:30 - 4:30 pm in 135 Vanier College. Three questions have emerged in particular:
1. Is the motion at the meeting on Wednesday, February 3 equivalent to a strike vote which authorizes the YUFA Executive to call for a strike?
No. In the interest of maximizing consultation, the YUFA Executive has decided to ask the members to authorize the holding of a strike vote, rather than exercising its constitutional power to call such a vote directly. If the motion passes there will likely be a strike vote at least one week later, as per article 9.3 of the Constitution.
2. Can I vote electronically or remotely on the motion at the February 3 meeting?
No. The motion to hold a strike vote is a regular motion subject to debate, discussion and decision at a membership meeting. The YUFA Constitution reserves electronic votes only to specific cases such as approval of budgets, elections of officers, ratification votes and strike votes.
3. If the motion passes on February 3 will I be able to vote electronically in the actual strike vote that follows?
Yes. Unlike many faculty associations YUFA allows electronic strike votes involving remote balloting. Such a vote must take place "subsequent to a General or Special Meeting." You will get adequate notice of the meeting, and voting instructions including the options available on the ballot.
A copy of the agenda can be found by clicking here