1. Second grievance filed on university governance and abuse of authority
YUFA has filed a second policy grievance in regard to matters arising from the CUPE 3903 strike. The grievance concerns disregard for the role of Senate and Senate Executive in the Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of Disruptions or Cessations of University Business Due to Labour Disputes or Other Causes, managerial overreach and arbitrariness in determining which courses can be suspended and which courses can continue. Actions by the Employer have undermined the bi-cameral structure of the University and the fundamental role of collegial governance, as well as created additional workload, significant confusion, and acute distress for members. The grievance is posted here.
2. Policy grievance on LA&PS restructuring of course offerings
YUFA has filed a policy grievance in regard to Faculty-wide changes to course offerings and class size being unilaterally imposed by the Dean of LA&PS. The actions by the Dean follow Board of Governors marching orders to cut expenditures across the board to mitigate alleged budget deficits. The unilateral restructuring of first year courses (both in their substance and in their modes of delivery) bypasses normal collegial approval pathways, and seeks to reduce or eliminate positions for CUPE 3903 and YUFA members. The grievance is posted here.
3. Improved March 15 reports
YUFA has recently resolved a grievance with the Employer over the delivery and content of the March 15 reports. These reports list assigned teaching loads of every member in a unit and explain deviations from the normal teaching load. The March 15 reports are an important instrument to ensure an equitable and transparent distribution of work in the context of collegial governance.
According to article 18.08.1 of the Collective Agreement (CA), every faculty member must receive a report on, or around, March 15 of every year. The CA also requires the Employer to provide YUFA with copies of these reports. However, the Employer failed to provide these reports in many units. Where reports were issued, they were often based on the Academic Resource Management System (ARMS), which is not set up to provide the required information. YUFA also received non-compliant ARMS reports.
The outcome of this grievance is that the Employer will now provide March 15 reports across the board and members will be able to identify the various components of the assigned teaching loads and deviations from the normal load in their units. The reports now detail the type and FCE value of course components and releases, enabling members to identify any difference between their assigned loads and normal teaching load.
The normal teaching load for each category (Tenure Stream or CLA) and stream (teaching or professorial) is a critical piece of information contained in the report. There is only one normal teaching load for each stream and category per unit. All members of the same stream and category must have the same normal teaching load, although the assigned load may vary resulting in deficits or surpluses to be taken into account the following year. The normal teaching loads are based on past practice and are codified in the unit’s workload document. The normal teaching load cannot change except by mutual agreement between YUFA and the Employer.
Members should receive the reports on, or around, March 15 in electronic format accessible online. YUFA expects that the new format of March 15 reports will assist collegial decision making in units ensuring transparent and equitable practices.
4. YUFA makes monetary contribution to the CUPE 3903 strike fund
The YUFA Executive Committee has approved a monetary contribution to the CUPE 3903 strike fund. YUFA continues to support CUPE 3903 in its efforts to reach a fair agreement and calls for the Employer to return to the bargaining table.