YUFA thanks Humanities Steward, Prof. Karen Ruddy, for writing and sharing this summary.
This report covers information shared at May 6th, 2002 and September 16th, 2002 Steward’s Council Meetings.
1. COVID-Related Issues
a) Vaccine and Mask Mandates
· Approx. 87% of courses are being taught in person this Fall
· York has paused vaccine and mask mandates, while encouraging students to continue to wear masks. Colleagues have raised questions about the role of the administration in making students aware of the recommendation to wear masks.
· Chief Stewards have raised concerns with the administration about packed classrooms and late room allocations for classes
· 10 out of 20 universities in Ontario have maintained a mask mandate on campus
b) Ventilation and Water Systems
· With the assistance of members with knowledge in the area, YUFA reviewed the building ventilation inspection reports provided by the administration and found problematic results and a need for more thorough inspections
· The administration will follow up with YUFA
· Water systems are being regularly monitored
c) Accommodations
· Chief Steward Sheila Embleton reported that the Accommodations process has improved for those who cannot teach in person due to health reasons or who need family accommodations this Fall
d) Teaching
· YUFA has urged that teaching evaluations collected during the pandemic not be counted for pre-tenure colleagues, but the administration has not supported this recommendation
· Late cancellation of courses this Fall is a concern for many members
2. Tenure & Promotion Delays
· An unprecedented number of files for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor and Full Professor have been delayed this year, which is causing stress for many colleagues;
· The main reasons for the delay appears to be unfilled seats on Senate Review Committee and a change in how Senate Review Committee meetings were scheduled last year (from more flexible meeting times to set meeting times)
3. LA&PS Workload
· YUFA representatives met with Dean McMurtry to discuss the workload document circulated in the Spring. Dean McMurty was open to feedback and revision. The LA&PS workload document is in progress.
4. Glendon Repositioning
· In Spring 2022, NOUS consulting firm provided its report and recommendations to Glendon’s Principal, which suggested that Glendon reposition itself (change its name and brand) as a campus that emphasizes the social sciences and global engagement.
· In Summer 2022, colleagues received notice that the Principal is suspending majors in three Glendon Programs (Canadian Studies, Gender & Women’s Studies, Sexuality Studies) and one unit (Hispanic Studies) for the 2023/24 academic year due to student enrollment
5. JSCEEI Recommendations re: Representation & Retention of Black Faculty/Designated Black Hiring and Indigenous Faculty
· YUFA met with the administration about the implementation of the new Article 19.33 (compensation for Black and Indigenous faculty who are doing extensive service on EDI issues)
6. Opportunities for YUFA Involvement and Service
· 2nd Steward for HUMA/WRIT still open (for more info on Role of Steward, please see attached document prepared by Stephan Kipfer, Susan Ingram, Alison Fisher and others)
· Member at Large on the JCoAA
· YUFA Caucuses
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