What is York University Faculty Association bargaining for?
YUFA is bargaining to improve the working conditions of its members, including improved collegial governance, equity, workload and compensation.
Universities operate on a shared model of governance and this means YUFA members have say in academic policies affecting our teaching conditions and your academic and learning experience. Over the years, erosion of this shared governance model has put more decision-making power into the hands of senior administrators and managers instead of faculty and student representatives.
YUFA is bargaining to secure better language that would protect these rights to collegial decision-making. This is an important non-monetary demand. Faculty, librarians and archivists are experts in their field and know how best to deliver their teaching. Decisions affecting the classroom experience for students should be made by those who are teaching the courses.
YUFA is also bargaining for increased designated equity hires. Increasing the numbers of new Black, Indigenous, and racialized faculty, librarians, and archivists will better serve the diverse needs of York University student body.
Formally recognizing and supporting the service work, e.g. participation and providing expertise on various York committees, that BIPOC faculty perform to improve York University's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion agenda.
YUFA members need the York University senior administration to support them in providing the support their students need, but the administration will not make the investments necessary for teaching and research excellence. YUFA members need more time & resources to develop innovative & cutting edge curricula, provide one-on-one instruction, serve as mentors to students and pursue professional development opportunities that will benefit the next generation of university graduates.