Survey reveals members’ priorities for next YUFA Collective Agreement

The current YUFA Collective Agreement expires in just over eight months, on April 30, 2024.

The Collective Agreement is a legal contract between the York University Faculty Association (the certified bargaining unit representing full time faculty, librarians, archivists, as well as post-doctoral visitors at York University) and the York University Board of Governors (the body representing the Employer). The Collective Agreement governs the terms and conditions of work for YUFA members.

In preparing for the upcoming negotiations with the Employer, YUFA conducted a preliminary bargaining survey of all members earlier this summer.

Half (50%) of the 565 members who completed the survey listed “Salary, including Retroactive Adjustments” as their first priority for the next round of bargaining.

Listed second most often (at 16%) as the first priority was “Maximum 2.0 FCE Teaching Load for Professorial Stream Faculty and 3.0 FCE for Teaching Stream Faculty.”

Third was “Accountability, Collegiality, and Transparency in Governance” with 9% of members listing this as their first priority. Fourth, at 8% was “Benefits for Retirees, including Pension.”

The YUFA Executive Committee is aware of, and concerned about, the burden that the current agreement, with its provincially mandated limit on compensation places on members. The Executive will be discussing bargaining strategy and related matters during the Fall, and will keep members informed.

The complete and anonymous results to the “What are the three adjectives that best describe the working environment you experience at York?” question of the survey are posted here.