An image of raised hands, signalling interest and participation
YUFA's Equity Officers cordially invite YUFA members who identify as racialized, Indigenous, LGBTQ2, or disabled to stand for the two (2) member-at-large positions on the Equity Sub-Committee and/or to join one or more of YUFA's four (4) equity caucuses. If you so identify and are interested in either opportunity, please email [email protected] (subject line: equity) and specify whether you are standing for the Equity Sub-Committee and/or which caucus(es) you would like to join (you can do both).
Two members-at-large seats available on the Equity Sub-Committee
The mandate of this committee is to assist the Equity Officers, joined by a representative of each of the Equity Caucuses, to facilitate, advance, and advocate for the reduction and removal of inequities at York University.
The appointees will serve on the committee until May 31, 2018.
If you are interested in being appointed as a YUFA representative, please provide a brief written statement to [email protected] (subject line: equity), outlining your interest and experience relevant to the sub-committee by September 15, 2017.
The four equity caucuses in YUFA (written statements are not required)
- Race Equity Caucus: The Race Equity Caucus (REC) would like to invite interested YUFA members (who identify as racialized and/or visible minorities) to join the Caucus. REC is a semi-autonomous equity-seeking caucus within YUFA whose primary aim is to engage critical discussions and develop meaningful approaches to advancing race equity for racialized faculty in the areas of teaching, research, and administrative service.
- Indigenous Caucus: We are a collective of self-identifying Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) educators here at York University. We work in many different schools and disciplines; however, we all strive to support and retain Indigenous students, staff, and faculty members.
- Queer Caucus: YUFA Queer Caucus is made up of YUFA faculty members who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, intersex, queer, or questioning. We review any issues, needs, or concerns of queer YUFA members and engage in discussions and strategies on how to address them.
- Disability Caucus: Have you experienced problems in getting disability accommodations at York? Have you encountered disparaging attitudes towards disability in your workplace? Do you struggle around whether or not to disclose an "invisible" disability? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you should join YUFA's Disability Caucus! Given the timelines around Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliance and that YUFA is beginning to prepare bargaining proposals, this is a very important and opportune time for faculty members who have disabilities to come together and voice their concerns through YUFA's Disability Caucus.
Please note that serving on any of YUFA's equity caucuses counts as part of your service work.