The Employer has announced that the Moodle environment ( will be decommissioned on January 31, 2025. The infrastructure that supports this system will no longer be supported as of January 1, 2025, and after January 31, access to the Moodle environment will be unavailable.
Currently, hosts academic courses from 2019-2020 and earlier and has not been actively used for courses since the transition to eClass in 2020. After January 31, 2025, YUFA members will no longer have access to these older courses. If you need to retain any course content for your personal archive, please follow the instructions at to create a backup before the decommissioning date.
If you have any non-degree credit courses still hosted on the Moodle system that you wish to continue using, please submit a request at as soon as possible so the course can be moved to a new platform before the decommissioning date.
Please write to [email protected] if you have any questions or require assistance.
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