YUFA supports Fair Employment Week

Every year, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) hosts Fair Employment Week to raise awareness about precarious employment on campuses and to support local organizing to improve the working conditions of contract faculty. This year's Fair Employment Week takes place from October 19 to 23, 2020.

In support of this year's Fair Employment Week, YUFA has purchased the streaming rights to In Search of Professor Precarious, a new, 81-minute Canadian documentary feature from Red Heeler Media that was released for festival screenings in September 2020.

Synopsis: A documentary in which the director, a longtime precarious contract teacher, lifts the curtain on higher education's dirty little secret. He travels Canada to capture the experience of precarity and the fight against the exploitation of contract faculty in higher ed. In Search of Professor Precarious introduces you to Jen, a young sessional trying to balance teaching, caring for her young family, and finishing her Ph.D., so that she can be considered for a decent university job; Sandra Mac, fighting to reverse the 23% pay cut handed to her and her long-time precarious faculty colleagues; Marco, leading a drive to get the sessional majority in his faculty association their democratic rights; and Pam, a choreographer and a leader in the largest higher ed strike in Canadian history. Join the fight for equality portrayed in this dramatic, moving, and revealing film.

The Team: Director/Writer/Producer: Gerry Potter; Editor: Ray Harper; Sound Editor: Jerry Krepakevotch; Composer: Jan Randall; Colour-Grade by Joseph Owens; Camera: Gerry Potter, Ray Harper, Jimmy Bustos

A trailer of the documentary can be found here.

YUFA members wishing to view the documentary in full can do so by clicking here and using the password (one word): MakeItFair

The link and password are active from Sunday, October 18 at 1:00 p.m. EDT to Sunday, October 25 at 11:00 p.m. EDT.

Colleagues wishing to participate in any additional Fair Employment Week activities can view a list of those activities and register for them here.

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