We invite you to follow YUFA on social media. We currently have profiles on three platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. In the coming weeks and months, we will be increasing the content we generate on social media and look forward to engaging members and allies who have active profiles. We plan to use this opportunity for engagement to share and promote members’ content on issues that matter to them and to YUFA as a whole.
As we work to expand and enhance our voices, we invite all members:
- To like the YUFA Facebook page, please click here.
- To follow YUFA on Twitter, please click here (we follow back).
- To subscribe to YUFA’s YouTube channel, please click here.
In the Winter 2021 semester, YUFA will host a social media workshop for members, which aims to cover best practices for academics on social media and to create the opportunity for YUFA members to be part of an organized social media network.
If you’re interested in participating in the social media workshop, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
We are aware of the wide range of social media skills, experiences, and insights among our members, and hope to draw on it as we organize next semester’s workshop.
Thank you for your interest.
Jody Berland
Communications Officer, YUFA