YUFA seeking information on employer interference in collegial hiring processes

YUFA is seeking information on employer interference in collegial hiring processes and, specifically, information on any of the following circumstances:

1) a Dean/Principal refusing to allow the inclusion of an ABD candidate on a collegially determined short list;
2) a Dean/Principal refusing to offer the position to an ABD candidate selected by the hiring committee;
3) a Dean/Principal refusing to allow the inclusion of a candidate with a terminal degree from York University on a collegially determined short list;
4) a Dean/Principal refusing to offer the position to a candidate with a terminal degree from York University who is selected by the hiring committee.

Collegial hiring is one of the cornerstones of collegial governance. Article 12.18 of the YUFA Collective Agreement stipulates that the employer may only interfere in the collegial hiring process in exceptional circumstances. The Collective Agreement further acknowledges the importance of collegial assessment in the process of evaluating candidates for appointment to the full-time faculty.

Employer interference in collegial hiring has a particularly adverse impact in the context of dedicated hires. The March 18, 2022 Memorandum of Settlement (pp.3-5) stipulates that successful candidates in dedicated hires who are ABD will be provided with an additional 0.5 FCE (half course) teaching load reduction in the first year of probation. The parties agreed to this provision in order to facilitate hiring of candidates who self-identify as Black peoples of African descent or Indigenous, and also to help ensure their retention. 

As YUFA advised back in May, 2017, YUFA and York University agreed to a set of procedures that hiring committees should follow where candidates have a terminal degree from York University. YUFA has not been approached by York University regarding changes to these procedures, nor has YUFA agreed to placing any conditions on these procedures.

Members with relevant information are strongly encouraged to email [email protected] for a confidential discussion with a union representative.