YUFA poll results on presidential search

At the request of YUFA members, YUFA conducted a short poll about the search that is currently underway to find a new President of York University. The poll took place from November 15 to 21, 2016 and was conducted by electronic ballot. A total of 896 out of 1,552 eligible voters participated in the poll, a turnout of 57.73 per cent. Turnout was higher than the ratification vote on the new Collective Agreement that took place in February this year.

Like all other ballots that YUFA conducts, this ballot was completely secret.

The poll was conducted in each of the nine Faculties in which YUFA members work, as well as in the Libraries. The results below are the total results for all nine Faculties and the Libraries. The results in each Faculty and in the Libraries are available here.

Questions *

Before you received this message, were you aware that a search is underway for a new President of York University? Select only one:

  • Well aware: 629 (70.2%)
  • Vaguely aware: 220 (24.6%)
  • Not at all: 47 (5.2%)
  • Total: 896

To what extent have you been consulted about the search for a new President? Select all that apply:

  • Until now, not at all: 712 (79.5%)
  • I submitted a letter to the committee: 30 (3.3%)
  • I attended a consultation: 58 (6.5%)
  • Other: 120 (13.4%)
  • Total: 896 **

How would you rate the search process so far? Select only one:

  • Open and accessible: 24 (2.7%)
  • Open: 29 (3.2%)
  • Somewhat open: 66 (7.4%)
  • I don't know: 255 (28.5%)
  • Somewhat closed: 129 (14.4%)
  • Closed: 188 (21.0%)
  • Secretive: 205 (22.9%)
  • Total: 896

If Rhonda Lenton, the Vice-President Academic and Provost, were one of the candidates, would you support her appointment as President? Please base your response on her performance in current and past administrative positions. Select only one:

  • Yes: 100 (11.2%)
  • No: 525 (58.6%)
  • I need more information to respond: 271 (30.2%)
  • Total: 896

* The sequence of possible responses for each question was shuffled randomly for each participant in the poll, except for the third question above.

** Total indicates number of voters, not number of responses (multiple responses were possible for this question).