YUFA obtains major improvements for retirees

In 2021 YUFA settled a grievance regarding the pension indexation program negotiated in the 2018 round of collective bargaining. In settling the grievance, the employer agreed to more than double its contribution to the annual base funding for retiree health and dental benefits from $1.3 million to $2.8 million.

On January 29, 2023, an arbitrator ruled in favour of most elements of YUFA’s proposal as to how this additional $1.5 million each year should be spent, rejecting the employer’s preferred proposal that no benefit increases be awarded. This is a significant victory for YUFA and comes after considerable obstruction from the employer.

Below is a summary of the minimum health and dental improvements that retired members will have available as of no later than May 1, 2023. Further improvements are expected as the parties discuss how to apply an additional 16% increase in annual retiree benefits funding that was negotiated in the last round of collective bargaining and is scheduled to come into effect at the same time as the arbitrator’s award.

YUFA is grateful to all those who were involved in this matter and is delighted that retired members will have better benefits.

 Coverage Area

 Current Benefit

Improved Benefit

Drug Reimbursement Coverage



Medical Items Reimbursement Coverage



Paramedical Reimbursement Coverage



Massage Therapy


 $1500 annual max

Hearing Aid


 $1000 annual

Vision Benefit (eyeglasses, etc.)


 $500 every two years


 $1400 annual max

 $2500 annual max

Major Dental reimbursement %



Annual Deductible



Annual Health Savings Account benefit

