YUFA members invited to participate in Labour Day Parade (Sept. 4th)

YUFA will be joining other labour groups in the annual Labour Day Parade on Monday, September 4, 2023. All YUFA members are invited and welcome to participate.

The YUFA mustering point is on Centre Street, north of Armory Street (Queen Street near University Avenue in downtown Toronto)Please arrive between 9:00am and 9:15am.

The parade starts at 9:30am sharp. Those interested must arrive in a timely fashion to receive their wristbands which are required.

Those taking part are encouraged to use public transit (subway) as the downtown roads are chaotic due to repair and construction work.

Professor Patrick Phillips, Vice President External, York University Faculty Association, will be leading the YUFA contingent in the parade.

For more information, please see Toronto & York Region Labour Council, or write to [email protected] or directly to Professor Phillips at [email protected].