YUFA calls upon members to vote YES for a strong strike mandate!

On July 12, the Employer requested a “no board report” in the early stages of bargaining, just days after YUFA had finished presenting its main proposals package. This sudden move has triggered a countdown to a potential summer strike/lockdown position which deviates from past bargaining practices. 

This leaves all members vulnerable to possible moves such as the Employer calling for a forced ratification vote. In circumstances where the Employer is pursuing a hard-line concessionary agenda, and using the threat of a lockout, a strike mandate vote is one of the only tools available for YUFA’s bargaining team to advance our members’ interests at the table.

The YUFA Executive Committee has called a Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM) on Tuesday, July 23, 10am to 12pm with an online strike mandate vote to be held immediately thereafter.

The purpose of a strong strike mandate vote is to create leverage by sending a strong signal to the Employer that the members are united in their support for YUFA’s Bargaining Team. A strike vote is a very common and necessary negotiating tool used by unions to put maximum pressure on the Employer to agree to a fair and equitable settlement. It signals that the membership is willing to engage in actions to win a collective agreement with terms that meet our needs and interests. It provides the YUFA Executive Committee with a mandate to call a strike if necessary.  To be clear, a strong strike mandate does not mean a strike will be called. Rather a strong strike vote signals our confidence in our  Bargaining Team and demands that the Employer consider YUFA’s proposals, including our demand for fair compensation, in good faith. Recent strike mandates in our sector have led to successful outcomes for members! In 2021, when YUFA members collectively stood together and voted yes for a strong strike mandate the outcome was a negotiated settlement that was favourable to our membership. Since then, strong strike mandate votes have been taken by faculty at Queens University (2022) and Western University (2023) to create pathways to reasonable settlements without a strike

What is at stake for YUFA members?

The Employer is taking a stance at the bargaining table that will seriously impact YUFA members’ present salaries and future compensation, including Progress-through-the-Ranks. These include:

  • Salary freeze for 2024-25
  • Three-year salary offer of 1.93%, well below that of other universities in Ontario and other unions at York.
  • Teaching loads exceeding those of colleagues at other universities.
  • No inflation adjustments for active and retired members’ benefits. 
  • Continued freeze in Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) amounts and no PER carry-forwards year-to-year.
  • Continued freeze in Progress-through-the-Ranks (PTR) amounts.
  • Allow employer to change normal workload of unit without agreement of YUFA, as currently required
  • Possibility that the Employer will require faculty to share offices.
  • Freeze in Computer Renewal Program (CRP) expense amounts at $1500 every 5 years rather than every 3 years, and limits on carry-forwards to future years. 
  • Limits on the rights of teaching stream faculty to apply for transfer to the professorial stream.
  • Limits to YUFA consultation rights on restructuring initiatives.

YUFA’s bargaining positions, in contrast, attempt to improve collegial governance practices at York, modernize our Collective Agreement to address data privacy and AI-related changes in pedagogy and research, propose solutions for workplace-related challenges of many kinds that members have experienced, and fairly compensate all YUFA members for their teaching, research, and service.  YUFA is prepared and committed to bargain with our Employer to build a better, stronger York University.

Vote Yes!

YUFA’s online strike mandate vote on July 23-26 is our opportunity to come together to give our Bargaining Team a strong show of support.  The provincially appointed Conciliator is willing to continue supporting our bargaining process as a mediator through July and August. 

A strong strike mandate vote is the best way to achieve a fair and equitable collective agreement for all YUFA members.

Join us Wednesday, July 17, for a drop-in information session, noon - 1 pm.

YUFA Executive and Bargaining Team members are available every Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. to discuss and answer members’ questions related to our bargaining proposals, the progress of negotiations, labour action options, etc.   These zoom meetings include short presentations on particular bargaining topics each week.

The zoom link for these drop-in sessions, every Wednesday through August during bargaining, will be distributed over YUFA-M.