York Research Support Grant - call for applications

(formerly York Small Research Grant)

As part of the current collective agreement, YUFA obtained a new annual research grant to
support research intensification and the administrative functions of members. The new research
funding comes out of a major policy grievance settlement that was negotiated between YUFA
and the Employer during the most recent bargaining round. YUFA had filed a policy grievance
against the Employer’s decreased funding for Graduate Assistants and the adverse impacts on
faculty members on March 2, 2017. More information about the landmark arbitration decision in
favour of YUFA can be found here.

Each eligible YUFA member can receive up to $5,000 annually in research funding. The call for
applications for the York Research Support Grant is posted at 


Note that awards will be made on a first come, first served basis and the application window
will run from 12:01 am on Monday, July 24, 2023, and will close on 11:59 pm on Sunday,
August 6, 2023.

If funds remain available, a second application window run from 12:01 am on Monday, January
8, 2024, and will close on 11:59 pm on Sunday, January 21, 2024.

The arbitration award references a key distinction between Faculties/Schools at York University
that employed CUPE 3903 Graduate Assistants (GAs) from those that did not, i.e. the “Lab-
based Faculties” that relied on non-GA labour. This distinction guided the mediator in crafting
the grievance settlement so that specific Faculties/Schools most heavily impacted by the
Employer’s decision to cut funding of CUPE 3903 Graduate Assistants are allocated a greater
proportion of the Graduate Assistant Training Fund.

Members are encouraged to contact YUFA if they have any questions regarding these funds.