YUFA Annual General Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: Via Zoom
1. Consent Agenda 11:00
a. Approval of Agenda
b. Approval of Minutes from the YUFA AGM June 3, 2020 (Attachment 1)
c. Approval of Minutes from the YUFA GMM November 19, 2020 (Attachment 2)
2. Land Acknowledgment 11:05
3. Order of the Day: Equity Concerns 11:10
4. Budget* (Attachments 3a, 3b and 3c) 11:20
a. Executive presentation: 2021-2022 Budget (subject to electronic vote subsequent to the AGM)
5. COVID-19 Updates and University Operations 11:50
6. President’s Report 12:15
7. Chief Stewards’ Report (Attachment 4) 12:25
8. JCOAA/LRP Report (Attachment 5) 12:35
9. Trustees’ Report 12:45
10. Election of Trustees 12:55
11. Adjournment
If you require a full hard copy version of the AGM package, contact the YUFA Office at [email protected]. Please bring your meeting package with you; there will be a limited number of copies available at the meeting.
*According to the YUFA Constitution, Article 3.5(c), assent to the annual budget and fee structure shall be given by a simple majority decision of those members voting electronically subsequent to the meeting.
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