The York University Faculty Association (YUFA) extends a warm welcome to all members at the start of this academic year. We would especially like to welcome new colleagues to York, and we hope that, despite the unusual circumstances, you will find York a stimulating and hospitable environment for your work.
Under normal circumstances, we would be announcing a social event to welcome and introduce new members to each other and to our work as your faculty association and certified bargaining agent. Since these are not normal circumstances, meeting in person will have to wait. Some of you are not even in Toronto yet!
We will write to new colleagues soon with an invitation to a remote meet-and-greet and Q&A session. Stay tuned for more details.
While our provincial government deliberates on educational "reform" and freezes our wages, we are entering into a bargaining year. Every three years, YUFA and York University negotiate a new collective agreement for the conditions of our employment.
You can read our current collective agreement here.
The Collective Agreement covers everything from salaries to tenure-and-promotion, workload, equity, leaves, benefits, retirement, pensions, and other conditions of our employment at York. You will be hearing from us in the coming weeks as we survey all members on your priorities for the next three years.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have. Send all queries to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing everyone in the months to come.
Arthur Hilliker
President, York University Faculty Association
Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science
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