Vote to renew the levy to support the Faculty Grad Club

YUFA will conduct an electronic ballot of all YUFA members to renew the levy to support the Faculty Grad Club.

The vote will begin on Friday, June 9 at 12:00 p.m. and end on Friday, June 23 at 12:00 p.m.

All YUFA members who are eligible to vote will receive an email invitation to vote. You may vote by clicking on the link in the email invitation.

If you do not receive an invitation to vote, please contact YUFA right away: email [email protected].

This electronic vote is being conducted in accordance with Article 10.2 (Special Levies) of the YUFA Constitution, which states:

"The Executive Committee may, from time to time, request a special levy over and above the amount of the annual membership fee, normally for a specific purpose. Once approved by the general membership, such levy shall become part of the annual membership fee for the year in which it is approved."

For more information, please email [email protected].

Background on the Faculty Grad Club levy

As you know, YUFA is involved with the creation of a Faculty Grad Club that will provide a restaurant and beverage establishment--as well as a space for collegial interaction--for the academic community at York. Renovations are about to begin at the location in the southwest corner of the Ross Building. Check out below an artist's preliminary rendition of the new space.

A preliminary rendition of the new Faculty Grad Club, this image depicts faculty members and graduate students in a modern-style café setting.

The project has been given the support of YUFA members at the last two Annual General Meetings, and a $2 per month levy was approved in 2016 to help provide initial start-up financing. The expectation was that the levy would continue for five years, but our Constitution requires an annual ballot for renewal. The York University Graduate Students' Association (YUGSA) has also approved its own levy in 2017, and the York administration has already contributed $250,000 in start-up funds.

The ballot will ask YUFA members to approve the renewal of the monthly levy of $2 per member (approximately $35,000 across the entire membership), so that the estimated YUFA share of start-up costs of $185,000 can be funded from a dedicated source that is separate from our regular operating funds.

Timeline for the new Faculty Grad Club

May & June 2017: 

Board and other committees engage in planning, including:

  • Holding a naming and logo contest among members
  • Drafting a job ad for manager, etc.
  • Refining concept, menu options

July 2017: 

Manager to be hired

August 2017: 

Main renovation work to be underway

Mid-September 2017: 

Expected opening date

Naming contest for the Faculty Grad Club

"Name that Café/Pub/Lounge/Club" Contest!

Members of YUFA and YUGSA are invited to submit names for the new Faculty & Graduate Student Café/Pub/Lounge/Club, which is scheduled to open in the Fall 2017 semester.


1) Names should be inclusive (non-offensive).

2) Names that align with the mission and values of the organization are preferred.*

3) Names are to be submitted electronically to [email protected].


Submissions will be accepted until June 14, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.


The person submitting the winning name will receive a $200 gift certificate, which can be used at the new enterprise.


The winning submission will be chosen by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the York University Faculty & Graduate Student Co-operative. The committee will take into account how well the name meets the conditions listed above and can contribute to the marketing strategy of the new enterprise.

* The mission of the York University Faculty & Graduate Student Co-operative is to provide food and beverage services to its members, as well as a location for social interaction and intellectual engagement. In offering these services, the Co-operative will prioritize healthy and sustainable food and beverage options and the provision of experiential education opportunities for students.