Update on the Joint Financial Information Subcommittee

Under articles 7.04 and 8.01 of the Collective Agreement, the employer has an obligation to provide YUFA with financial information on university operations. In the context of budget cuts due to the anticipated deficit, YUFA members of the Joint Financial Information Committee requested information on the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario’s on-going value-for-money audit of York University, expenditures on outside consultants, and the financial contribution to York of the York University Development Corporation. The employer has declined our request and YUFA has filed a grievance. The full request can be seen on the Joint Financial Information Subcommittee’s page on the YUFA website. The YUFA Subcommittee welcome questions from YUFA members and suggestions about what information we could request. You can reach the Subcommittee at [email protected] or [email protected].