Dear members,
YUFA will host a town hall meeting for members in each of the five faculties affected by the Research Release Program, Article 18.15 in the Memorandum of Settlement: AMPD, Education, Glendon College, Health, and LA&PS.
As you know, YUFA has expressed concerns that the blanket rejection by Deans of academic units' carefully crafted criteria represents a much more restrictive vision for the program than was negotiated in the last round of bargaining--and than is normal at other universities. Our members would like to see a program that expands and enhances research at York, not one that limits participation to a select few.
YUFA encourages members to attend these town hall meetings to get the latest updates on the status of the Research Release Program, the state of discussions between your academic unit and your Dean, and what YUFA is doing to ensure an accessible and inclusive research program.
For more information, please email [email protected].
Town Hall Meetings
Has the Research Release Program become too restrictive?
AMPD Town Hall
Thursday, October 13
2:30 PM to 4 PM * new time *
007 ACE Building
Education Town Hall
Tuesday, October 11
12 PM to 1:30 PM
286C Winters College
Glendon College Town Hall
Thursday, October 13
12 PM to 1:30 PM
C123 York Hall
Health Town Hall
Tuesday, October 11
12 PM to 1:30 PM
402 HNES Building
LA&PS Town Hall
Monday, October 17 * new date *
3:30 PM to 5 PM
S167 Ross Building
The details of the town hall meetings may also be viewed on the YUFA calendar.