School of Medicine vote at Senate

At its meeting on Thursday, January 23, the York Senate will consider a motion to approve "in principle" a new School of Medicine to be housed in the Faculty of Health. If you are a Senator, please make sure to attend that meeting and vote.

Senate needs firm evidence that funding for the medical school is assured, and that funding the school will not impact the university’s operating budget or draw from other academic endeavours. Academic questions that remain to be clarified include how hiring of medical teaching staff would be handled, how support staff costs would be funded, whether provincial support for student residencies and placements would cover the costs, and whether a risk assessment of possible changes in government priorities and funding has been undertaken.

Given the above, and the top-down restructuring and program cuts that are taking place across the university, it is the view of the YUFA Executive that an "in principle" motion on the proposed School of Medicine is premature.

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