Dear members,
York's Senate has announced it is sponsoring a Community Forum as follows:
Community forum
Thursday, October
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
206 Accolade Building West
The call follows on a request from York University Senators to address, in a meaningful way, how to bring the community together following the end of the labour disruption.
This is an opportunity for members of the York community to speak with the leadership of the University. The Forum will be chaired by the Chair of Senate Franck Van Breugel and Vice-Chair Alison Macpherson, with most members of Senate Executive in attendance. President Rhonda Lenton and Provost Lisa Philipps will be available to answer questions.
All members of the community--faculty, students, and non-academic staff--are encouraged to participate and speak. Glendon members may participate in the meeting via a live video link in A100 Centre of Excellence, Glendon College. Notices have been circulated in yFile and through other means; please distribute widely and encourage peers and colleagues to come.
The Senate Secretariat will prepare a substantial summary of the meeting, which will be reported back to Senate and will be available publicly.
Colleagues, this is an important opportunity to speak about the University we cherish and how we make it a reality. Your participation is important.
From York University ([email protected]):
You are invited to attend a Community Forum on Renewing Institutional Focus sponsored by the Executive Committee of Senate on Thursday, October 4 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in Room 206, Accolade Centre West, Keele Campus, and in a room at Glendon where individuals on that campus will be able to follow and participate in proceedings. Please watch for updated information about the Glendon location.
Senate can play an important role in promoting a positive environment by embracing and extoling the University's mission, upholding York's values, maintaining a steady watch on the attainment of objectives in the University Academic Plan and Strategic Research Plan, encouraging and supporting innovations and excellence, and restoring momentum to significant initiatives including the Markham Centre Campus. Senate Executive commits to playing its part in promoting collegiality.
This forum represents an important opportunity for members of the community--faculty members, students and staff--to share their views on how best to move ahead with our mission and academic planning objectives.
The Committee poses these questions:
- What advice do you have for regaining momentum and moving forward as a community?
- What suggestions do you have for achieving our academic priorities?
The discussion will be moderated, and members of Senate Executive, including President Lenton and Provost Philipps, will be in attendance to hear the advice provided by community members.
No RSVP is required. Although Accolade West 206 has a large capacity, space may be limited.
Some may not be able to attend the forum. Please note that a separate event will be held for staff members at a later date.