YUFA regrets that, due to an error about voting deadlines, the electronic vote on the proposed constitutional amendment will need to be held again.
The new vote will take place from Thursday, March 23 at 6:00 p.m. to Thursday, March 30 at 6:00 p.m. and will be conducted by electronic ballot.
All members will receive an email notification of the vote shortly before the vote begins. The notification will provide members with a direct link to vote.
Please note that members who already voted in the vote that ended on March 22 will have to vote again.
An FAQ about the proposed constitutional amendment can be found here.
The proposed constitutional amendment is listed below (changes in bold), including a rationale for the change. For more information, please email [email protected].
The current YUFA Constitution contains an apparent conflict. On the one hand, Article 3.5 requires and empowers the YUFA Executive Committee to present an annual budget and annual fee structure at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be voted on by a majority vote. As was the case in the previous (pre-2001) Constitution, this meant that the annual dues were established on that basis. On the other hand, Article 10.1 appears to specify a prescribed dues rate as a provision in the Constitution. This could be taken to mean that increasing or decreasing the annual membership dues requires a constitutional amendment. This would be unusual, and it appears that no other faculty association in Canada has such a provision. Based on a review of the pre-2001 YUFA constitution, it appears that this conflict is an inadvertent result of how language was incompletely borrowed from the pre-2001 Constitution, where no such ambiguity or conflict was present.
Proposed change:
Article 3.5 Annual General Meeting
c. Subject to Article 10 below [t]he annual budget and fee structure shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and presented to the general membership at the Annual Meeting. Assent shall be given by a simple majority decision of those members voting electronically subsequent to the meeting. Accommodations will be made for those who do not have access to the Internet and who request such accommodation. No proxy voting is permitted.
Article 10. Dues
10.1 Amount
The annual membership dues of the Association shall be 1.1 percent of each individual member's annual base salary rate. The annual membership dues rate of the Association shall be approved as per procedures in Article 3.5 (c) above. The annual dues shall be expressed as a fixed percentage of each individual member's annual base salary rate and remain unchanged until a higher or lower percentage is approved. From this amount, all obligations of the Association shall be paid, including but not limited to: operating expenses; CAUT Defence Fund contributions; membership fees paid to the CAUT; membership fees paid to the OCUFA; contributions to the YUFA Defence Fund; contributions to the YUFA Arbitration Fund.