
Leaves and Fellowships 

The various applications for YUFA leaves and grants for the 2025 academic year can be found below. These include:


The purpose of the Educational Leaves programme is to provide opportunities for tenured or tenure stream faculty and continuing appointment employees to take Educational Leaves for approved plans of study. (N.B. CLAs are not eligible)

These plans may include, but are not limited to, the attainment of a higher level of professional flexibility and better qualifications for internal transfer. Forms of professional development, in which the foreseeable measurable benefit will be principally to the individual, also fall within the Educational Leaves clauses.

Please read the above guide for more information.  The deadline for applications is November 15, 2024.


A Leave Fellowship (Sabbatical) Fund of $500,000.00 is available to provide peer-adjudicated additional grants of up to 10% of academic base salary to sabbaticants who are taking their second or subsequent sabbatical. 

Leave Fellowship Grants will also be subject to an absolute maximum of $15,000 on any one grant.

Please read the above guide for more information.  The deadline for applications is January 15, 2025.


Awards from the Teaching-Learning Development Fund will support projects which have the potential to make significant curricular or methodological contributions to teaching and learning at York, or which enable faculty to enhance their own teaching skills. Proposals are invited for projects relating to either undergraduate or graduate teaching.

Highest priority will be given to projects whose results are applicable to other instructors and teaching units. Projects will be judged as to their innovation or creativity, including the application of ideas to York developed elsewhere. Special attention will be paid to the potential to improve the learning experience for York students. Activities supported by this Fund are expected to go well beyond what is normally required in the development of a new course.

Please read the above guide for more information.  The deadline for applications is November 15, 2024.


These fellowships are intended to provide recipients with the opportunity to develop innovative teaching and learning projects and other pedagogical initiatives, supporting the scholarship of pedagogy, or to enhance their own teaching skills (as opposed to disciplinary competence), when such development, support, or enhancement could not take place in the context of a full teaching load. Highest priority will be given to projects whose results are applicable to other instructors and teaching units.

Projects will be judged as to their innovation or creativity, including the application of ideas to York developed elsewhere. Special attention will be paid to the potential to improve the learning experience for York students.

Full-time faculty in tenure-stream appointments are eligible to apply, with priority given to applications from teaching stream faculty members. Joint applications, requesting a total of no more than 1/2 release time for a year (i.e., a maximum of .75 to 1.5 courses release time, depending on the normal load in the Faculty, for the whole project), will also be entertained. CLAs may apply to the program as part of a joint project, but may not apply on their own.

Please read the above guide for more information.  The deadline for applications is November 15, 2024.


  • Special Equity Support Initiative

As per the Memorandum of Settlement for the Renewal of the YUFA Collective Agreement, the Special Equity Support Initiative is intended to "grant teaching release to employees who self-identify as members of a racialized group, Indigenous or persons with disabilities to support teaching, service, and/or research. This Initiative will award up to eight (8) 0.5 FCE course releases in each of the 2025-2026 and the 2026-2027 academic years. The maximum award that an applicant may receive is 0.5 FCE. It is understood that faculty and librarians/archivists will not be simultaneously awarded a release from both Article 19.33 and this Initiative.  Eligibility criteria shall consider how a 0.5 FCE teaching release under this Initiative will assist the applicant in support of their teaching, service and/or research."  

More information will be provided to members shortly on how to apply for the Special Equity Support Initiative that YUFA successfully negotiated in the 2024 round of bargaining.